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“We live in a world of reproductions, the original no longer exists.”
(Armando Romero)

In the work of Romero, the reference to classical culture and the great masters is inspired by the citation and appropiation. These elements create a link between the present and the past. Romero deconstructs the codes and desacralizes them in order to put them on a same level of what was then and what is now. In this plastic poetry the words are mixed with objects of everyday life. The artist is an observer, he sorts and organizes an eclectic world that challenges the viewer by presenting a true visual puzzle.

His favorite theme is the circus, this fantasy world where humans and animals live together and eventually merge, posters of famous twentieth century American circuses serve as a background for his new works, adding objects attached to the surface, portraits of artists as a reference (Botticelli, Seurat, Goya). With comic anarchism, he compulsively destroys the works with scratches, squiggles and signs of usage time. This serves as a signature.

Immersed in the art world from Mexico at an early age by his sculptor father, he develops his artistic training at the School of Art La Esmeralda in Mexico City where Armando Romero studied painting, sculpture and printmaking. A few years later, he dedicated to teach at this same art academy. He has shown repeatedly in the U.S., Europe and Mexico, always emphasizing in his work a nonconformist attitude that characterizes him.


Armando Romero

Individual and group exhibitions

2009 XX Century Parade. Leslie Feely Gallery. New York, N.Y. USA.2009 XX Century Parade. The MAC. Dallas Texas. USA.

2009 XX Century Parade. Tasende Gallery. Los Angeles CA. USA.

2008 Alpha Gallery.Boston Massachusetts.USA.

2008 Fantastic Beasts in danger of extintion. Galerie endangered Space, Morges Switzerland.

2007 Art Show in Los Angeles, Tasende Gallery, Santa Monica, California.

2006 Juarez, variation in the image. National Palace, Mexico City.

2006 Tasende Gallery. West Hollywood and La Jolla, San Diego, California.

2006 Arteamericas, Tasende Gallery, Miami, Florida.

2006 Art of the Twentieth Century, Tasende Gallery, New York.

2005 Metamorphosis, Metaphors, Mexico. Pully Museum, Pully Switzerland.

2004 Mexican Nature, Museo del Carmen, Mexico, DF.

2004 Landscape flashing graphic Intervention, National Print Museum, Mexico City.

2001 Le Manoir de la ville de Martigny, Martigny, Switzerland.

2001 Art Contemporain du Mexique, Les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland.

2001 Europ’Art Basel, Switzerland.

2001 Columbus House Gallery, Miami, Florida.

2000 Gallery Richterswil Kunsthaus, Zurich, Switzerland.

2000 Space Gallery, San Salvador, El Salvador.

2000 Columbus House Gallery, Miami, Florida.

2000 Galeria Ramis barquettes.

1999 Young American Artists. Passage D’Retz, Paris, France.

1999 Europ’Art, Basel, Switzerland.

1998 Mexican Cultural Center, Miami, Fl.

1998 Columbus House Gallery, Miami, Florida.

1998 First International Meeting, Johnnie Walker, Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City.

1998 For love of Chiapas, Art Auction. Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico, D.F.

1998 FONCA Scholars, Museum of Art Carrillo Gil, Mexico City.

1998 Little things, Galena Area, Morges, Switzerland.

1997 III Biennial Monterrey Museum, Monterrey, NL.

1997 Alfredo Zalce Biennial, Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City.

1997 Red hot passion, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City.

1997 Exhibition and New Year Sell, City Bank, City Golah, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City.

1996 VIII Rufino Tamayo Painting Biennial, Museo Rufino Tamayo, MACO, Oaxaca, Oaxaca.

1996 VIII Rufino Tamayo Painting Biennial, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City.

1996 The Eternal Return, Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico, Mexico City.

1996 Columbus House Gallery, Mérida, Yucatán.

1995 XV National Meeting of Young Art. Cultural Institute of Aguascalientes, Ags.

1995 Exhibition of Teachers. ENEPG Gallery, La Esmeralda, Mexico, DF.

1995 First Biennial Art-Object Toy Museum, Mexico City, Mexico, DF.

1995 First Biennial Toy to-Object Art, Museo Jose Luis Cuevas Mexico City.

1994 World Environment Day, Casa del Lago, Mexico City.

1994 ENEPG, Masters of the Esmeralda and the ENAP. House of Culture Reyes Heróles, Mexico, D.F.

1994 VII Rufino Tamayo Painting Biennial, Rufino Tamayo Museum, MACO, Oaxaca, Oaxaca.

1994 VII Rufino Tamayo Painting Biennial, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City.

1994 On the threshold of XXI Century National Medical Center, Mexico City.

1994 Nature and Abstraction, Matos Gallery, Mexico City.

1994 Green Galante, Museo Mural Diego Rivera, Mexico City.

1993 XIII National Meeting of Young Art. Cultural Center Aguascalientes, Ags.

1993 Green Week in Mexico City, Cloister of Sor Juana, Mexico, DF.

1993 XIII National Meeting of Young Art. Museo Carrillo Gil, Mexico, D.F.

1992 Encounter of Two Worlds, Alliance Francaise de Mexico, Mexico City.

1992 Meeting of Two Worlds, the ENEPG Galena, La Esmeralda. Mexico, D.F.

1992 Gallery Los Arcos, Cuernavaca, Morelos.

1992 First National Contest of Painting on canvas INDAR, Gallery 200, Mexico City.

1992 Distinguished Alumni La Esmeralda, American Institute for Foreign

1992 Works on paper 12. Pasquale Lanetti Gallery. San Francisco, California.


2004 Fellow of the National System of Creators FONCA

2001 Grant from the International Studio and FONCA program in New York.

2001 Selected in the Third Biennial of Painting and Printmaking Alfredo Zalce.

2001 Selected in the V Biennial of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving, Monterrey, NL.

2000 X Bienal Rufino Tamayo painting. Selected

1998 Selected to represent Mexico in the emerging painting exhibition.

1997 Latin America and the Caribbean. In the space Passage de Retz, Paris, France.
Alfredo Zalce Biennale. Selected

1996 VIII Rufino Tamayo Painting Biennial Prize of Acquisition.

1996 Receives grant for young creators FONCA in Visual Arts, Painting.

1996 III Bienal de Monterrey. Selected

1995 XIV National Encounter of Young Art. Selected.

1995 First to Biennale of Modern Art. Selected.

1993 VII Rufino Tamayo Painting Biennial Prize of Acquisition.

1988 National Fine Arts Competition, Cutzamala 88. Award purchase of sculpture.

1988 XXV International Film Festival, Honorable Mention.

1988 is included in the Dictionary of National Sculpture Lili UNAM Kashner.

1998 National Painting Contest, Encounter of Two Worlds.

1998 IFAL Alliance Francaise. Award of purchase.

1998 receive a special recognition from the Director of CONACULTA, Mr. Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, for their professional performance.

1988 First National INDAR on canvas, prize acquisition.
